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Biographical information below the gallery.
A huge thank you to all the wonderful couples whose expressive hands make Tunnel Vision the heartfelt experience I had envisioned.

Angel Hearts




Angel Hearts

Al & Chris DiGuido have been long time residents of Westport and have a legacy of giving back to the community in many ways. Al & Chris created Al's Angels over 10 years ago with the hope that their work could provide aid to children and families battling cancer, rare blood diseases, natural disasters & severe financial hardship. Each year the organization provides holiday meals and gifts to thousands of children and families in the tri state area (Easter, Passover, Thanksgiving, Christmas & Hanukah) Numerous fundraising events and outreach efforts (Hurricane Sandy Toy Drive, Moore Oklahoma Teddy Bears etc) keep them busy all year long. Learn more about Al & Chris and their work at Al's Angels at



Annie Keefe has been involved with the Westport Country Playhouse for over two decades. David Wiltse is a playwright, novelist and screenwriter.”They have been together for 25 years and have raised three gorgeous daughters in Weston. David’s site is and the Playhouse is at



I am Anita Ron Schorr and have been living in Westport since 1985.

I am delighted to be a part of this project. The number tattooed on my arm represents the time in history that humanity was forgotten and innocent people were deported to concentration camps. I was in Terezin, Auschwitz, slave labor in Hamburg, and after 4 years finally liberated in Bergen Belsen on April 15, 1945. My dream for the future, represented by Scarlett's hands, is that the world should be without hatred, discrimination, and pain. My mission is to go to schools and empower students to make a difference by committing themselves to make a better world. And I believe they will.


Hello, my name is Scarlett. I live in Southport. I go to Dwight School and I'm in the second grade. I live with my mom and sister Brooke. I met Anita becasue my grandma Joan is her good friend. She is always good to me.



98 years old when the photo was taken, graphic designer, illustrator, fine artist, writer and teacher Howard Munce, and his wife Gerry have been at the heart of Westport’s artistic community since 1935. Returning home after serving in World War II, Howard worked for the Y&R ad agency where he became creative director and met his wife-to-be. Married in 1950, Howard and Gerry have two grown children, Mary and Andrew. Munce has been head of Westport's Memorial Day Parade and honored by the Westport Public Library twice. He's on several boards and commissions, including honorary president of the Society of Illustrators. However, nothing seems as important as getting up each morning and doing his art.

Be the Change

Wampum Exchange

Art Show


Be the Change

Mother and daughter duo, Kristin Rasich Fox and Meghan Fox, are 100% certified California girls who found their way to the beautiful town of Westport in 1999. The pendant, featuring an abbreviated version of Mahatma Ghandi's inspirational quote, "Be the change that you wish to see in the world," was handmade by best friend, next-door-neighbor and second daughter not-by-birth, Carly Steckel.


Wampum Exchange
Each summer the Colgan family takes an annual trip to the island of Martha's Vineyard where hidden treasures abound!   One such sought after treasure is the elusive and lovely purple shell of the quahog found on  island shores- a  precious and coveted material  that North American Indian tribes would carve into intricate beads  used for currency, then referred to as wampum. The Colgans are always excited to find  and share them in their natural, rustic shell form.


Art Show

We are Drew and Audrey Klotz local husband and wife artists. Drew is a kinetic sculptor and Audrey an abstract painter. We try to leave our mark where ever we go! We think the photos couldn't be more descriptive, band aids, nuts, bolts and paint covered hands and lots of love!



Suzanne Sheridan, performer singer-songwriter, portrait and headshot photographer, and Rozanne Gates, musical producer, Executive Director, lighting specialist and entrepreneur, have lived happily together in Westport since 1998 creating musical fun and community where ever they go. They have been a presence in the arts and theater community connected with The Westport Historical Society, First Night Westport Weston, and together they co-own The Legacy Project USA, and Legacy Business Videos, as well as other ventures. They were happy to have been chosen to be a part of this installation and are happy to be a part of the diversity that is what Westport is all about.,


Westport Treasures



Gold Fingers

Westport Treasures

The charms that Ann Sheffer and Bill Scheffler are sharing in their hands tell the story… they first met in our homeroom at Staples in 10th grade, but didn’t reconnect until 1992, when Bill chaired Ann’s campaign for the State Senate…and then went on to sit together through 12 years of RTM meetings, including the celebration of the RTM’s 50th anniversary …and that’s just the political side (VOTE!) of their now 20 year marriage and their 50 years together in Westport.


Kevin Connors & Jim Schilling have been pillars of the Fairfield County arts community for nearly 30 years, having founded the Music Theatre of Connecticut (MTC) in Westport in 1987 after successful careers as professional actors and musical theatre performers. They continue as directors of MTC having garnered numerous awards including a special Citation from Governor Dannel Malloy. Their School of Performing Arts has trained more than 10,000 students in its 27 year history, with alumni including current Broadway actors, award-winning film actors and directors and a Tony Award nominee.



Clem grew up in Nigeria, then went to England for university.  He returned to Nigeria to work for the Electricity Corporation of Nigeria. Catherine grew up in the U.S., graduated from Mount Holyoke College, and joined the Peace Corps to teach in Nigeria. She and Clem met during her second year there and married a year later. After 24 years in Nigeria, Catherine came back to the US for an MBA at Yale. Clem came a few years later and has become a U.S. citizen. He is still active in project management and Catherine recently left nonprofit fundraising to write her memoir. Information about her writing is at They have three children and five grandchildren.



I'm Liz Beeby, local artist, investor and provocateur, from Westport's GREATEST era! I attended Westport schools and Staple's experimental "Open Campus" from 1965-1979! I was here, in this "Artist's Enclave", for Viet Nam protests on Jesup green, while hippies, artists and movie stars roamed wild on Main Street. I sat in this tunnel with my friends on rainy days after Bedford Jr. High School, dreaming of being a rock star; Being immortalized HERE with my trusted mentor, best friend and partner in life exploration, Miggs B, makes me click the heels of my ruby slippers together and scream at the top of my lungs: "THERE'S NO PLACE LIKE HOME!" Native Westporter Miggs Burroughs is the proud creator of the Tunnel Vision installation. Click here for full bio


Sheltering Palms

Purple Heart

Whole HeARTed

Super Nova

Sheltering Palms

Bernicestine McLeod Bailey is President of McLeod Associates, Inc., an information technology consulting firm. She is also Vice President of Aisha & Co., a family toy business. A graduate and trustee emerita of Brown University, Ms. McLeod Bailey is President of Fairfield Count Links, Inc. and a member of TEAM Westport. She has also served on the boards of the Westport Library, Fairfield County Community Foundation, Dress for Success, and REACH. 


Harold Bailey, Jr. is a retired IBM Vice President, President of Aisha & Co. and Executive VP of McLeod Associates. He is also a Board Director of EZ Universe, Inc. He is a graduate of and trustee emeritus of Brown University from which he also holds an honorary doctorate. Locally, he is Chair of TEAM Westport and a board member of the Westport Country Playhouse.


They are married and the parents of Dr. Aisha D. Bailey and Harold Bailey III.


The bronze hands they are holding are part of one of their favorite pieces- Sergio Bustamante’s “The Egg with Hands and Face”.


Purple Heart
Norwalk residents,  Joe and Florence Romano were married in 1950. They met in New York while he worked in the paper business, and she, in frieght forwarding operations. Joe served in World War II from 1943-1946 where his division helped to liberate Dachau concentration camp. He was wounded in March of 1945 and was awarded the Purple Heart, pictured here, for his service.



Lucy Bea Zuckerman a forth grader is the youngest of my nine grandchildren ... She lives nearby ,comes to my studio and we make art together and create clues for treasure hunts and the truth is we simply adore eachother. ... And always have! Lucy is very smart and probably knows the title of every piece of my art which can be seen on my website:


Super Nova

Lee Papageorge started working at Oscar's at age 16 and became the owner at 23. He was just a skinny guy trying to make a living selling bagels. Now, after 40 years, his waist is also 40, and as the last non-corporate shop on Main Street, he is still trying to make a living selling bagels. "Some people", he says, "believe that I haven't worked a full day in my life. I couldn't have done it without my wife of 44 years, Honey Do (aka Mary Jo)". Lee and Mary Jo have two daughters and five grandchildren.

© 2014 by Westport Downtown Merchants Association & Miggs Burroughs

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